Shutterflix Cinema

ShutterFlix Film Festival

Movie Marker

About the Festival

The ShutterFlix Film Festival has a long history dating all the way back to 2013. It all started when Frank, the owner of the theater chain, forgot to order movie reels for the grand opening of the second location. In order to save face he announced that there would be a film festival for the first week (because he was too cheap to spring for overnight shipping). Fortunately the local college had a film department where three young aspiring directors just happened to have finished their final projects early enough to enter them into the impromptu festival. The festival was greeted with a surprising amount of mild interest, and as a result a tradition was born.

Festival 2014

The dates of the festival run from the 23rd of April until the 30th. Juries are selected from local college staff and students. There will be awards for Best Script, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Slow-Mo Shot, and Best Overall Film. In order to stick with tradition, no other films will be shown at the theaters during the Festival, so plan accordingly.

Submit a Film

To submit a film, you must:

  1. Fill out and submit the Entry Form to Frank on time
  2. Submit your film to the address to Frank
  3. If your film is selected, you'll have to comply with the Rules and Regulations

The Selection Committee decides which films can participate.