Ross Higley's Portfolio

Project Showcase

School Projects

Projects are listed below, with links to source code and pictures.


3D animated model of Earth and the Moon

Written in HTML, Javascript, and WebGL Shader Language.

Asteroids FishEye

Clone of Asteroids game with pseudo-logarithmic compressed “infinite” universe.

Written in C++ using Winforms.


2D text based dungeon game.

Written in C# and XAML using WPF.

ReserveARoom Larry the Lion © 2013 LDSBC

Android app to reserve rooms in the LDSBC library.

Written in Java, XML, PHP, and SQL-lite using Android Studio.

Memory Match Game

Flip over cards to find the matching pairs.

Written in Java using Swing GUI library.


Created mostly for school projects years ago. Some of the plugins have become deprecated or expired.

About me

Biography site created without IDE or WYSIWYG.

Written in HTML and CSS using Notepad++.

ShutterFlix Cinema

Funny website written for fictitious cinema company

Written in HTML and CSS using Notepad++.


The joke PDF files were included as a requirement of the project, and are NOT to be taken seriously. DO NOT send any information requested by the forms. That being said, the Film Festivals page is the funniest and was written by a good friend of mine. You should read it.

Brett McCue’s Auto Service

Website written for a real friend’s fictitious mechanic company

Written in HTML using Microsoft Expression Web 4.

High school portfolio.

Product of my very first IT-related course in High School

Written in HTML and CSS in MS Notepad.